Have you ever reflected upon this notion called "freedom"? In simple terms, freedom is the ability to exercise one's own will without feeling restricted. Some would have a more elaborate meaning, but the sense of it all, does is really exist? People never cease to envision that it does, yet again, an argument that is virtually impossible to substantiate.
One person’s freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins – a statement that’s been uttered by many again and again. It sounds like there will always be boundaries that restrict us, so why do we pave our paths to freedom if it leads to a dead end? I believe that there is more to freedom than what meets the eye. Let's examine it closely.
This article holds the idea that freedom exists. However, the definitive explanation is not here. You won't find it in any book... your friends and family won't have it either. The only person who has the answer is you. This is what freedom is in it’s purest form. The only prerequisite to freedom is your existence and your consciousness. It's up to you to identify what it is, and to let it exists whenever and however you want to.
Freedom is a way of thinking. It is about setting yourself free from the fixed notions of freedom. If we are stuck in the same old idea, then we are not entirely free, are we? There will always be external forces that will restrict our freedom, so there's really no sense in preoccupying ourselves with such pedantry. Besides, this is not what freedom is about. The real essence of freedom is to not let yourself be at the mercy of chance.
When you hear the term freedom of speech, what this really means is that freedom is instrumental to speech. It is the instrument that allows your words to emerge into existence. Your freedom to speak is what validates the value of your words. This is the true value of freedom of speech, not the fact that you can say whatever you want. Your words are valuable because it came from a free or uncoerced individual, not from a parrot who merely utters the words of its dictator.
Freedom to and freedom from... self-preservation is the motive, freedom is the need. What motivated you to use your freedom? Did you kill someone based on irrational whims or self-defense? Freedom is a need just like the air we breathe. It exists to sustain our self-preservation motive.
Our life is the clear manifestation of freedom. We are not zombies nor machines, we are the living because of our desire to live. If you are able to do the things that you love and to live your life the way you deem right, then you are free despite the number of obstacles along your way.
Granted that other people can confine us, yet it is the human relationship that sets us free. When someone genuinely likes you, cares for you, and accepts you for who you are, then you'll feel more free as suppose to the contrary. Isn't it ironic how we pave our paths to freedom only to find ourselves in the most secure embrace? There is indeed more to freedom than what meets the eye, isn't there?
So, what does freedom mean to you?