Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In Search of Paradise -- An Inspirational Book by Dr. Robert E. McGinnis

- It's a slice of heaven!

What is love? Although this book has left me with more questions than answers, In Search of Paradise has shown me one of the highest expressions of love that I've ever imagined. Dr. McGinnis's words touched my heart, I literally broke into tears as I read this passage (page 74):
I love you. Even though we have never met, I love you and I want to help you plan for the future with me. You are sharing your life with me as you read these thoughts on this printed page.

These lines were written for everybody (including strangers), yet it felt as if he knew me, and that those words were meant for me personally... like a father expressing his love for his daughter.
In Search of Paradise is a book about love and happiness. It is very difficult to explain such abstract concepts, yet Dr. McGinnis has successfully communicated their meanings. How do you bring “love and happiness” into the realm of reason? It's virtually impossible (or maybe they don't belong there). Dr. McGinnis did not go through ostentatious philosophical discussions about reality; he simply suggests that it is through concretization of abstract concepts where they can become a reality... just like building a magnificent building out of a daydream.
This book has a very humble tone, which made it very pleasant to read. Even though the author is living a fulfilling kind of life, he never endorsed it as an ideal life... he merely presented it as a possibility. I sensed throughout the book that Dr. McGinnis has a great appreciation for uniqueness. He respects the primacy of human volition, hence his propositions are neither presumptuous nor imposing. His advice is genuinely for us (for our own good, not for his own reward); it is based on his aching desire for us to be happy. And even though he remains loyal to his own principles, he encourages his readers to question them, for the purpose of correcting them (if they are wrong), so we can properly integrate or build our own knowledge with his.
In Search of Paradise is timeless. It touches on a number of universal concerns about life. It is full of inspiring real life stories that will touch your heart. It tells us that happiness is found in simple things. It is in front of us from morning till night... it's as simple as opening the shutters and welcoming the daylight. Is it better to love or hate? Why deprive ourselves of happiness when we can easily grab it? These questions almost sound dumb, don't they? But sometimes, we get caught in the cycle of negativity, and we tend to forget that life is beautiful. In Search of Paradise serves as a reminder that love and happiness are within our reach, and that heaven is here on Earth for those who seek it.
About the photo: I took a picture of the book that Dr. McGinnis sent me as a gift. I simply rested the book on the gravel, but it signifies that we could change this rocky and gravelly path into something that looks like a paradise, just like the picture on the book cover.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What is a Random Kiss?

We know about the French kiss and the butterfly kisses, but what about the "random kiss"? Do you know what it is?
This term popped into my head just a few moments ago while thinking about the kiss on the cheek that my hubby gave me during lunch time. I searched for this term on the internet and found no definitive answer. It appears that "random kiss" does not really exist in the urban dictionary. However, some suggest that a random kiss is a kiss that you get from a random person, for a example, a complete stranger on an elevator.
To me, a random kiss doesn't have to come from a stranger. It could be from a person that you've been married for for 25 years. The "randomness" doesn't have to be determined by a random person, it could also be determined by an act just like the "random act of kindness". Of course, randomness is not a simple matter... it's a whole different ball-game especially in philosophical terms (and I'm really not here for such debate, but feel free to rack your brains out if you want to). What I was hoping to get answered is whether we could add "random kiss" in our "kiss lexicon", just like the French kiss. Basically, what I'm suggesting is to associate "random kiss" to a random act of affection, rather than just a stranger. For example, it could be a kiss that makes you feel special (as suppose to being "violated" on an elevator), or more like just-thought-I'd-kiss-you-because-i-love-you type thing. I know I had my random kiss today while eating at McDonald's (which is totally not a romantic place), yet I consider that moment as one of my memorable lunch dates with my hubby because of that unexpected kiss.
What about you, what do you think?

Photo link

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Last Minute

- Japan, March 11, 2011

The force of nature
10 meters high
I looked up the sky
Fear, then no fear
No hopes
No dreams
Nothing but last breath,
and thoughts of my loved ones
As free as a bird…
Thank you
I love you

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is Freedom?

Have you ever reflected upon this notion called "freedom"? In simple terms, freedom is the ability to exercise one's own will without feeling restricted. Some would have a more elaborate meaning, but the sense of it all, does is really exist? People never cease to envision that it does, yet again, an argument that is virtually impossible to substantiate.

One person’s freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins – a statement that’s been uttered by many again and again. It sounds like there will always be boundaries that restrict us, so why do we pave our paths to freedom if it leads to a dead end? I believe that there is more to freedom than what meets the eye. Let's examine it closely.

This article holds the idea that freedom exists. However, the definitive explanation is not here. You won't find it in any book... your friends and family won't have it either. The only person who has the answer is you. This is what freedom is in it’s purest form. The only prerequisite to freedom is your existence and your consciousness. It's up to you to identify what it is, and to let it exists whenever and however you want to.

Freedom is a way of thinking. It is about setting yourself free from the fixed notions of freedom. If we are stuck in the same old idea, then we are not entirely free, are we? There will always be external forces that will restrict our freedom, so there's really no sense in preoccupying ourselves with such pedantry. Besides, this is not what freedom is about. The real essence of freedom is to not let yourself be at the mercy of chance.

When you hear the term freedom of speech, what this really means is that freedom is instrumental to speech. It is the instrument that allows your words to emerge into existence. Your freedom to speak is what validates the value of your words. This is the true value of freedom of speech, not the fact that you can say whatever you want. Your words are valuable because it came from a free or uncoerced individual, not from a parrot who merely utters the words of its dictator.

Freedom to and freedom from... self-preservation is the motive, freedom is the need. What motivated you to use your freedom? Did you kill someone based on irrational whims or self-defense? Freedom is a need just like the air we breathe. It exists to sustain our self-preservation motive.

Our life is the clear manifestation of freedom. We are not zombies nor machines, we are the living because of our desire to live. If you are able to do the things that you love and to live your life the way you deem right, then you are free despite the number of obstacles along your way.

Granted that other people can confine us, yet it is the human relationship that sets us free. When someone genuinely likes you, cares for you, and accepts you for who you are, then you'll feel more free as suppose to the contrary. Isn't it ironic how we pave our paths to freedom only to find ourselves in the most secure embrace? There is indeed more to freedom than what meets the eye, isn't there?

So, what does freedom mean to you?

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hey icing on the cake, you're like clouds on a fairy tale

icing on the cake, can I be the little figurine?

icing on the cake, I'd like to dance for you

icing on the cake, you're melting in my heart

icing on the cake, you hide between the cakes

icing on the cake, I'd like to be with you

icing on the cake, they took me off of you

icing on the cake, I'm sad 'cause I'm still here.......

Don't wipe my toes......

That's all I've left of my icing on the cake.
